Ages 3 and Up! is a kids' radio show presented by Amberly on WRFL 88.1 FM, Lexington, Kentucky, USA. It a fabulous radio program for children and their families. Amberly is a mother and has an eclectic collection of top class material for kids. Her show airs for one hour every Saturday morning from 08:00 to 09:00 (local time in Lexington.) Read more about this children's show on Amberly's blog for Ages 3 and Up! You can also connect with Ages 3 and Up! on Facebook.
Amberly asked some bands to come up with a jingle for her show. While we were working on our Saint Patrick's Day song we accidentally discovered that her show's name fits perfectly with the melody of our Skippin' Song. We robbed that melody to create Ages 3 and Up! What luck!
We think Amberly is extra cool because she wears glasses just like us. When Quince asked her about this, he discovered that her ancestors were called Burkes. There are still some Burkes living on the west coast of Glasses Island so maybe she has a trace of Glasses Island in her blood!
Ages 3 and Up!
Ages 3 and Up!
Ages 3 and Up!
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