Christmas is a magical time for children here on Glasses Island. One day in late November, Quince's 4-year old Munchkin was talking to him about Christmas. At one stage in the conversation she asked him, "how many sleeps 'til Christmas?" He answered, "thirty five" and she replied "that's a lot...I can only count to twenty!"
At the end of the conversation Quince was so mesmerized by the innocence and simplicity of her take on the meaning of Christmas that he persuaded us to capture it in a song. It's the first song that we have written for Christmas and we hope you like it.
We were delighted to get the opportunity to record our original Christmas song with the fabulous children's choir from Gaelscoil Donncha Rua in Shannon, Co. Clare, Ireland. It was recorded and mixed by Shay Leon at Shay's Studio and mastered by Aidan Foley at Masterlabs.
Verse 1
I love the story of Baby Jesus read it to me please again
With Mary, Joseph, all the Angels and the Three Wise Men
They brought Jesus lots of presents, shepherds brought along their sheep
Let’s put up the crib tonight before I go to sleep
How many sleeps ‘til Christmas? It seems so far away
I wish that I could close my eyes and wake on Christmas day
For Jesus’ birthday party I hope that we’ll get snow
We’ll blow the candles out, is canfaimid Nollaig Shona dó
Verse 2
Our Christmas tree is in the window - fairy lights and candles too
I’ve hung my stocking by the fire place Santa’ll be here soon
I’ll leave out some milk and biscuits, carrots for the reindeer too
He’ll leave a two-wheel bike for me and a jewellery box for you
Repeat Chorus
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